Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chapter 9.2 : Average Rate (Lesson 1)

Rate is a ratio between two quantities with different units of measurement.

Rate allows us to express a quantity as a proportion of another quantity thus enable us to make comparison between different quantity.

Examples of rate being used in our daily life are:
1) Speed of a car, where the distance is measured against time (Kilometer per Hour or Meter per Second)

2) Buying of food and drink, where the price is measured against the weight or volume (Dollars per Kilograms or Dollars per Litres)

3) Frequency of Buses (Number of buses in operation per Hour)

4) Heart Rate (Number of beat per Minute)

The examples of rate in our daily life in countless.....

Thus give 2 examples of the use of Rate in your life and briefly describe how you can make use of these information to help you make better decisions in your life.

Please also refer to your Textbook 1B from Pg 9 to 11 and your Ace - Learning Portal for more materials and examples.


  1. 1)The number of breaths per second lets us determine the person's breathing condition, for instance a person with asthma would have a higher breathing rate than normal people.
    2)The GHz of a computer lets us determine the speed of which a computer can run and compare it with the pricing to determine whether it is worthy or not.

  2. 1) We can use ratio to ratio out our playing and studying time. Example: 2:1 Study time:playing time this help me to study more and play less.

    2) I can use ratio to ratio the amount of money spent, saved. This will help me to save more money and let me have more savings for the rainy days.

  3. 1) We can use ratio when baking a cake to ensure that the ingredients are in the correct ratio in making a bigger or smaller cake.
    2) We can use ratio when maps in Geography. We use the RF scale to read or find out what is the actual distance between two points.

  4. We can use rate for these purposes:

    1) The interest rate when one is borrowing money from a bank

    2) Literacy rate which is the proportion of the population over age 15 that can read and write.

  5. I use rate to determine how much should I spent per day for a certain week. The money spent per day for a week depends on the amount of money my dad gives me per week.

    I use also make use of rate to decide how many stationary I should buy. I estimate the rate of my usage of stationary ( for example I finished a highlighter in a week so the rate is 1 highlighter/week).

  6. We can use rate for many purposes such as rate of stocks and bonds in the investment market and we can also use rate to compare prices of similar products such as the amount of substance in the product.

  7. I can use rate
    1)To determine the amount of money to spend from my allowance which is given to me weekly (eg, $21 dollar per week would equal to $3 a day). I use this to help me have a "budget" when I am buying things with my pocket money.

    2)To determine the amount of time I spend for running my 2.4km. This would help me to pace my timing when I am taking my NAPFA.


  8. 1) The rate of money saved per week to help us calculate we would save up how much per week to find out how much money we can save up in a certain period of time or how much time it takes to save up a certain amount of money.

    2) The rate of how much is paid for amounts of electricity/water per $(random quantity) so my family can plan ahead so we can make sure we do not overspend electricity/water.

  9. -we could use rate to help us learn or to plan out what to spend money on. this would generally depend on how much allowance i have received, and also counting that i want to save some of my money for other things.
    -also, using rate, we may be able to predict when the buses are coming, by seeing the rate of buses coming.

  10. 1) I can calculate interests rates when borrowing or lending money
    2) I can determine time to make timetables that have break times and work times which are comparable to each other.

  11. -I can use rate to determine the proportion of the number of females to the number of males in the school.
    -I can use rate to calculate the amount of money that I would save and spend in a day.

  12. -I can use rate to calculate the interest rates between different insurance policies and choose which 1 provides the best return.
    -I can use rate to determine the ratio of girls to boys in our class which is 1:2 in this case for groups or activities.

  13. 1) I can use rate to calculate the exchange rates of how much one currency is worth in another term.

    2) I can use rate to calculate speed. The distance covered per unit time.

  14. The rate I spend money each week so I can manage my savings.

    The rate buses come to the bus stop so I can time what time I get home.
